Tuesday Evening Bible Study
to May 21

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Pastor Koester leads this new study group which meets Tuesday evenings during the Trinity Lutheran School year. The study will begin with “My Life for the Kingdom: The Story of Joseph.” Learn how God used Joseph to protect his people and carry out his plan of salvation.

This study meets Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Trinity Room.

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New Worship Series: Because He Lives
to May 19

New Worship Series: Because He Lives

It is easy to become so engrossed in the details of historical events—who, when, where—that we miss their significance. For example, consider World War II. There are many compelling stories. Lots of dates and data to remember. However, for a moment, set all that aside, and just imagine the Allies had lost. How would the world be different today? What would life be like for those of Jewish heritage? Would freedom exist in Europe? Would we be speaking German? With historical events, you miss out if you focus only on the details: who, when, where. You also need to focus what that historical event means. The Allies won. That means something!

In this season of Easter, it is good we review the details: who, when, where. That reminds us that the resurrection of Christ is not fairytale or fable. It is a historical event… the historical event. However, we do ourselves a disservice if we simply recall the historic details of Easter without thinking long and hard about Easter’s significance. Jesus won. That means something! It is our privilege and pleasure to use the fifty days of Easter to discuss this fact: because he lives, not only is our eternity secure, but we have abundant resources to face the present.

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Game Night
to May 4

Game Night

Join your fellow Trinity members and other members of our Waukesha community for an evening of board gaming. We will have all sorts of games available to play from classic board games to newer strategy games. Everyone is welcome to attend, from children all the way up through adults. Bring your own favorite game, or play one of ours!

We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. In order to help our organizers plan snacks for the event, please consider helping us by RSVP-ing by following the link found below.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have Deep and Lasting Joy
to May 5

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have Deep and Lasting Joy

Conventional wisdom says that joy is a direct result of circumstance. Our disposition is nothing more than the product of the events, conditions, and relationships of which our life consists. Therefore, it would seem that for our disposition to change, our circumstances need to change. But Jesus offers a joy that is superior. It is not a product of circumstance; it’s a product of Easter.

Easter proves that God can take what normally causes people to weep and turn it into what causes people to rejoice. Sin, death, and shame went into Jesus’ tomb. Forgiveness, life, and glory came out. Our risen Savior gives us a joy that remains constant in the highest of life’s highs and the lowest of life’s lows. Because he lives, we have deep and lasting joy.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, He Reigns Over Everything for the Benefit of His Church (The Festival of the Ascension)
to May 12

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, He Reigns Over Everything for the Benefit of His Church (The Festival of the Ascension)

When the Church gathers, it regularly remembers Christ’s ascension. The words “He ascended into heaven” are found in the three ecumenical creeds Christians use to confess their faith. In addition, the Church sets aside a day each year to focus on Christ’s ascension. This is for good reason. Jesus’ ascension marked the fact that his work was complete, in one sense. Never again will a sacrifice for sins need to be made. However, Jesus’ ascension also marks that, in another sense, his work is just beginning. Through the Church, Jesus now proclaims forgiveness of sins throughout the world.

The Church consists of people like us who are often weak and timid witnesses for Christ. So, Jesus promised to send us his Spirit to give us power from heaven, that we might take the gospel to the ends of the earth. More, he ascended into heaven and sat down on the throne of God. He lives and reigns over everything for the benefit of his Church.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, Christ Sends Us His Spirit
to May 19

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, Christ Sends Us His Spirit

Jesus ascended into heaven. That does not mean the gospel has ceased to spread around the world. For Jesus promised to send another advocate to represent God to the world: the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the constant companion of believers in these Last Days. We conclude this worship series with this glorious thought: because he lives, Christ sends us his Spirit.

That raises some questions. Where? How? If God now reveals himself by his Spirit, where is the Holy Spirit found? How does he come to us? God has not left the answer to those questions in doubt. When Jesus promised to send the Spirit, he indicated that the Spirit’s work would be connected to words, specifically to God’s Word. As a result, we need never wonder where we can find the Spirit or how he comes to us. Where the Word is proclaimed, there you will find the Holy Spirit’s presence and blessing.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Know Jesus is Trustworthy and True
to Apr 28

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Know Jesus is Trustworthy and True

The world is full of talkers. There are plenty of people who say they care about you. But we are aware of what many of those people will do when it comes time to put those words into action. Jesus tells you in his Word that he cares for you dearly… that he would do anything for you… that he’s leading you into the green pastures of Paradise. How do you know you can trust him? Simple. Jesus followed up his words with action. Jesus promised he would die to save you from your sin. He did. Scripture promised the Savior would rise from the dead, proving that payment for sins was complete. It happened.

Jesus always does what he says. His every promise is fulfilled. Jesus once illustrated that point in a striking metaphor, that of the Good Shepherd. All shepherds use words, calling to the sheep hoping they will follow. What sets the Good Shepherd apart is the fact that his words are followed by action, including his willingness to lay down his life for his sheep. Because he lives, we know Jesus is trustworthy and true.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Live Lives of Lavish Love
to Apr 21

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Live Lives of Lavish Love

If someone saved you from a horrible death, what would you do to thank them? Probably just about anything they asked! You would be that grateful. Jesus not only saved us from eternal death in hell, but he won for us an eternity in Paradise. What shall we do to thank him? This week we see that Jesus asks for just one thing—love. He asks us, in every interaction we have with others, to demonstrate the same selfless love that he has shown to us. That is how we thank him.

Fortunately, Jesus doesn’t just ask us to show love. Jesus empowers us to show love. The same divine power which raised Jesus from the dead now raises us up to a new and better life, enabling us to set aside our natural selfishness and self-glorification and instead live in a more excellent way. Like Christ, we strive to do everything for the benefit of others. Because he lives, we live lives of lavish love.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Can See Things Clearly
to Apr 14

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Can See Things Clearly

A recent survey asked Americans which of the five senses they would least like to lose. 77% chose sight. Navigating life blind poses a plethora of challenges that the sighted do not face. This is why Scripture often uses the concept of blindness as a metaphor for how hard it is to navigate life without a correct understanding of Christ.  Spiritual blindness can take many different forms. In some cases, it is hostile oppression to the message of Jesus. In others, spiritual blindness might be demonstrated in confusion about Jesus’ true identity. In still others, spiritual blindness might be the inability to understand our spiritual condition.

No matter the form spiritual blindness takes, Easter has the power to replace it with sight. Easter allows us to see where we sinners stand with a holy God. It enables us to see the path through life that is worth pursuing (as opposed to those that lead to a dead end). Spiritual sight gives us the ability to see who holds our future in his hands and who is worth our eternal worship. Because he lives, we can see things clearly.

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Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have a Meaningful Mission
to Apr 7

Weekend Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have a Meaningful Mission

If Jesus remained dead, all he would provide is an example of a beautiful life. Therefore, if Jesus remained dead, the mission of his followers would simply be to share advice. “Here is how Jesus would want us to love one another. Or “Jesus would want us to think about money like this.” Or “This is how Jesus would pray.” But because he lives, his followers now have a meaningful mission. It is not to share advice, but to testify to what we have seen and know to be true. Christ has risen! Thus, Jesus is not a standard, but our Savior. Jesus is not primarily an example for this life, but the doorway into eternal life. His resurrection to glory will be the resurrection of all who put their faith in him. Sharing that good news—that’s our mission.  

The Sunday after Easter can seem like a bit of a letdown. Chances are the church isn’t quite as full. There might not be a choir or special instruments to go along with our hymns. Even the lilies have begun to wilt. It might feel like the fun is all over. Wrong! The adventure has just because. Because he lives! Therefore, we have a meaningful mission. Let us open our eyes to the privilege and the opportunity.

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Game Night
to Apr 6

Game Night

Join your fellow Trinity members and other members of our Waukesha community for an evening of board gaming. We will have all sorts of games available to play from classic board games to newer strategy games. Everyone is welcome to attend, from children all the way up through adults. Bring your own favorite game, or play one of ours!

We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. In order to help our organizers plan snacks for the event, please consider helping us by RSVP-ing by following the link found below.

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Easter Festival Worship Theme: Because He Lives, Death Has Lost Its Sting

Easter Festival Worship Theme: Because He Lives, Death Has Lost Its Sting

Death can sting in many ways. First, death can sting by casting a shadow over every moment of life. No matter what earthly joy you are experiencing, death guarantees it won’t last. Second, death can sting by separating loved ones. There are no phone calls or hugs from the dead. Third, death can sting by instilling fear of what follows. Deep down, every human being senses that after death there is some sort of reckoning… a judgement. Yes, death can sting in many ways.

Note that word can. Because he lives, death has lost its sting for those who put their faith in the living Lord. Because Christ lives, we have all the proof we need that God accepted Jesus’ death as the complete and final payment for all our sin. Those who are in Christ need not fear God's judgment.. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. More, Christ’s resurrection is the assurance that our Christian loved ones are not lost. We will see them again in the resurrection. For, Christ’s resurrection means we will rise to a world of incomprehensible and unending joy.

Death remains unnatural. But Christ has defeated death. So, while death may still cause tears, death does not cause dread. Because he lives, death has lost its sting. Celebrate Jesus' resurrection this Sunday at Trinity's Easter festival services offered at 8:00am and 10:30am. A free community breakfast will be served in the Fellowship Hall from 9-10:15am.

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Easter Sunrise Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have a Whole New Identity

Easter Sunrise Worship Theme: Because He Lives, We Have a Whole New Identity

In the darkness before dawn, the women walked to the tomb with heavy hearts. Jesus was dead. His mission was over. In their mind, they were feeble followers of a failure. All that was left to do was finish embalming the corpse and then try to move on. Yet, Jesus wasn’t dead. And because he lived, they were not followers of a failure at all. They were disciples of the one who had conquered sin and defeated death.

It is as simple as this. Because he lives, we have a whole new identity: not sinners, but redeemed saints; not rebels, but God’s chosen nation; not doomed, but saved; not only servants, but sons and daughters of God Almighty; not losers, but victorious, because Christ gives us the victory. The living Lord has given us a whole new identity. It is all because of him. It is all because he lives.

In the light of Easter dawn, see with greater clarity who the resurrected Lord says you truly are! Easter Sunrise worship begins at 6:30am this Sunday. Lord's Supper will be served.

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Good Friday Worship Theme:     Dead and Buried ~ A One-Time Substitute Buries All-Time Guilt

Good Friday Worship Theme: Dead and Buried ~ A One-Time Substitute Buries All-Time Guilt

On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion and death of our Lord both with sorrow and solemn joy. Though the events of this day fill us with horror, the implications of those events give us every reason for praise. Jesus’ death had this breathtaking significance. Once and for all, it paid for the guilt of all of us and for all of time. Standing in our place, our substitute was forsaken by his Father on the cross so that we could be reconciled to God and have an eternal home in heaven.

We look at Jesus on the cross, and there is sorrow. He is there because of us. He is there because he loves us that much, so much that he gave us his last breath. Jesus took all our guilt into the tomb with him. It will stay there. He will not. That is why we can call this Friday good.  

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Holy Thursday Worship Theme: Dead and Buried ~ A New Covenant Buries an Old Contract

Holy Thursday Worship Theme: Dead and Buried ~ A New Covenant Buries an Old Contract

On Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus began to execute the terms of the New Covenant. This New Covenant replaced an old one and was fundamentally different from in it every way. While the Old Covenant was more like a contract, the New Covenant is more like a will. The old offers rewards in return for work; the new makes unconditional and lasting promises. The old will always leave us starving in our relationship with God; the new satisfies the deepest hunger of our soul.

This is precisely why Jesus connected this new covenant with a special meal. To an uninformed outsider, the Lord’s Supper looks like a poor snack—a bite of bread and a sip of wine. But the followers of Christ understand that this holy food provides all the blessings of the new covenant.

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Passion Sunday Worship Theme: Dead and Buried ~ Surrender Buries Seizure
to Mar 24

Passion Sunday Worship Theme: Dead and Buried ~ Surrender Buries Seizure

As we begin Holy Week, we see Jesus bury humanity’s endless attempts at seizing power. In our world, power dynamics are almost always in play. Those who don’t have power want it, often more than anything else. Those who have power are willing to do anything to keep it. In contrast, Jesus—who possess all power as the Son of God—willing surrendered his power and placed himself in the hands of his enemies. Why? What he wanted more than anything else was not power, but you.

So, Jesus begins this Holy Week riding into Jerusalem on a donkey colt, knowing full well that he was riding to the cross. He would surrender himself to the punishment that our sins deserved, so that through Spirit-wrought faith we might seize the glory and heaven that only he deserves.

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Holy Week Worship Series:          Dead and Buried
to Mar 24

Holy Week Worship Series: Dead and Buried

We have come to the final stretch of Lent, known as “Holy Week.” Think about what that title is implying. We normally talk about a “holiday” (short for “holy day”), where one day is set aside for some special observance or celebration. But for centuries, believers have set aside this entire week for special observance. Clearly, what is discussed during Holy Week is important. Indeed, what we see happen this holy week is the foundation of our eternity.

In Holy Week, we see the impossible. The Son of God dies. The Lord of Life enters the last place he belonged—the grave. But what we will see this week is that when Jesus entered the tomb he did not go alone. He buried all our baggage with him: sin, guilt, shame, condemnation, fear. Jesus will walk out of the tomb. But thanks to him, those things will all stay dead and buried.

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Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Abusing Your Commandments

Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Abusing Your Commandments

How does one abuse God’s Commandments? That seems like an easy question. You abuse God’s Commandments by breaking them. However, there is another way to abuse God’s Commandments—by striving to not break them in an effort to win God’s favor and earn our place in heaven. The second abuse is infinitely worse than the first, as it sets aside God’s perfect plan of salvation for a completely different plan that will never work.

Satan often works by turning a blessing into a curse. God intended for his law to serve as a mirror, enabling us to see our sin and thus our need for a Savior. Satan would have us believe the law is more like a ladder, and that with focused effort we can climb our way up to God. This misguided belief leaves us in one of two undesirable places. Either we are overwhelmed with guilt when we realize we cannot climb that ladder, or we are swelling with damnable pride because we think we are near the top rung. We conclude our Lenten series by calling out: “Lord, have mercy, for abusing your Commandments!” We rest secure in the gospel truth that since Christ was lifted high on a cross, we don’t need to try and lift ourselves up to God. God’s favor, salvation, an eternity in heaven—these things are already ours! Our attempts to obey the Commandments can therefore flow from gratitude, not desperation.

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Hiding Treasure in the Trash
to Mar 17

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Hiding Treasure in the Trash

This week we see how our Father makes the treasures of his house available to any and all. He places them in the last place we’d expect—the trash. In God’s family, the things the world prizes and pursues are counted as worthless. Conversely, what the world rejects and discards is considered priceless and worth pursuing.

The best example of this is Jesus Christ himself. The Father sent his greatest treasure—God the Son—to earth. And many considered Jesus to be a trash that needed to be taken out—a troublemaker that needed to be killed. In truth, Christ is the precious cornerstone that God used to build his house, the one with the open door.

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Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Failing to Live with Integrity

Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Failing to Live with Integrity

We use the word “integrity” to refer to something being in good condition. So, we talk about the structural integrity of a building or of a ship’s hull. We mean those things are “sound” and “whole.” We use “integrity” in reference to people too. Generally, if we speak of someone having integrity, we mean that there’s a wholeness to their character. Their morals are sound. If someone lives with integrity, it is not simply that they talk and behave decently. We would say the reason their behavior is proper is because their values and desires are proper.

The first six Commandments deal with our relationships with others: God and our fellow man. The final four Commandments get at the question of personal integrity. When someone steals, lies, or covets, it is a clear indication that their values and desires are highly improper. Such a person lacks honesty, empathy, and contentment. They say and do bad things because they are bad, not “sound and whole.” It is harsh, yet unfailingly true. Thus, when we break one of these Commandments, it is pointless to make excuses. Let us simply cry out, “Lord, have mercy, for failing to live with integrity!” And let us trust the Christ, who died so that we might be made “sound and whole.”

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Grace Instead of Condemnation
to Mar 10

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Grace Instead of Condemnation

We assume people get what they deserve. We assume that what goes around comes around. We assume God helps those who help themselves. Those assumptions are false. God does not operate on the principle of merit but of grace. No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. God never turns it off. At the entrance of God’s open door is not a Father looking to condemn us, but a Father who has eagerly longed for our return. When we do, he takes us in his loving arms and assures us we are still his child. When the weight of our sin makes us fearful of God’s condemnation, he reveals his grace yet again.

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Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Treating Others Like Trash, Not Treasure

Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Treating Others Like Trash, Not Treasure

“Let us make mankind in our image” (Genesis 1:26). God’s intent was that being made in his image, mankind would not only live in close communion with him, but that we would reflect God’s love and care in our dealings with each other. The Fourth, Fifth, and Six Commandments are all about different aspects of healthy human relationships: respect and obedience for those God places in a position of authority; valuing and defending the life and well-being of others; expressing relational bonds, particularly marriage, in appropriate ways. God wants us to treasure our fellow man. Yet, in virtually every type of relationship that can exist—parent and child, husband and wife, employer and employee, neighbor and neighbor—we invent new ways to hurt one other.

Breaking these Commandments shows how we feel about our fellow man. More, that disobedience speaks volumes about how we really feel about our God. Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me… Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not d0 for me” (Matthew 25:40,45). This week we see that Jesus is the only one who lives up to God’s expectations of how we should treat each other. So, in Lenten faith, we cry out to him, “Lord, have mercy for treating others like trash, not treasure!”

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Always Present, Always Patient
to Mar 3

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Always Present, Always Patient

The heavenly Father is always present in the lives of his children. He sees every sorrow we endure. He also sees every sin that we commit, even if it’s only in our thoughts. He is always present. Yet, he is also always patient. God does not snap at us the second we turn from him. He gives us time to see the error of our ways. He assures us that the door back to him remains always open. By giving us room to share our struggles and shortcomings, he works in us the very repentance he desires and saves us from the judgement that would otherwise be ours.

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Game Night
to Mar 2

Game Night

Join your fellow Trinity members and other members of our Waukesha community for an evening of board gaming. We will have all sorts of games available to play from classic board games to newer strategy games. Everyone is welcome to attend, from children all the way up through adults. Bring your own favorite game, or play one of ours!

We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. In order to help our organizers plan snacks for the event, please consider helping us by RSVP-ing by following the link found below.

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Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Demonstrating Irreverance and Despising Your Rest

Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Demonstrating Irreverance and Despising Your Rest

The Second and Third Commandment both relate to how our merciful God saves us. The Second Commandment deals with God’s name. God’s “name” is more than words we use to refer to him: the Lord, Jehovah, Jesus. God’s name includes his reputation, i.e., everything the Word tells us about God. The Third Commandment deals with the Sabbath rest God wants his children to enjoy: resting from fear of condemnation, resting in his promise of mercy.

When we use God’s name flippantly… when we take God’s reputation lightly… when we are apathetic about his Word… when we have little interest in the spiritual rest he offers… we demolish these Commandments. That hurts us way more than it hurts God. Disobedience of these Commandments are attempted acts of spiritual suicide. If we continue in this rebellion, we are guaranteeing that hell is our eternal home. So, this week, we ask the Spirit to give us the ability to sincerely pray, “Lord, have mercy, for demonstrating irreverence for your name and despising your Sabbath rest.”

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ No Detours Allowed
to Feb 25

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ No Detours Allowed

The door to God and the glory he has prepared for us stands wide open. However, he has mapped out a very specific pathway to that door. It is not an easy one. As it did with Jesus, this route takes us through opposition, suffering, and even death. While our human nature may cause us to want to take a detour around these things, Jesus’ own life shows us that no detour is allowed. His cross came before his crown. The same path lies ahead of us. However, at the end of it, through the open door, we are offered a reward far superior to anything the world can offer.

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Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Our Incessant Idolatry

Worship Theme: Lord Have Mercy for Our Incessant Idolatry

If a loved one needed serious heart surgery, would you prefer a first-year medical student to perform the operation, or would you rather it be a seasoned doctor who has done that surgery two-thousand times? How about if you were accused of a serious crime you didn’t commit? Would you be content with a legal intern defending you? Or might you want a more experienced, skilled attorney? You want the person who will best care for you. So, apply that reality to the First Commandment.

When God tells us not to have any other gods, our sinful nature’s first inclination is to think it is because God is a narcissist who craves the attention. That is projecting what we are often like onto him. But God commands us to have no other gods, not because he seeks attention, but because he knows there is no one who loves us as much as he does… no one who can care for us anywhere close to as well as he can. It is he, by a infinite margin, who can best care for us. Therefore, when we love or trust anyone or anything else more than God, the sin doesn’t simply offend him. It is incredibly self-destructive. As we begin our worship series on the Ten Commandments, by the Spirit teach us to say, “Lord, have mercy, for our incessant idolatry.”

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Mid-week Worship Series: Lord Have Mercy-A Lenten Series Based on the Ten Commandments
to Mar 20

Mid-week Worship Series: Lord Have Mercy-A Lenten Series Based on the Ten Commandments

It is one of the most common prayers of God’s child. “Lord, have mercy!” Mercy is the withholding of punishment or negative consequences that a guilty person deserves. Thus, when we pray, “Lord, have mercy,” 1) we are acknowledging that we have lived in ways deserving of God’s condemnation and punishment, and 2) we are begging God to not condemn or punish us. How important is that prayer? If you cannot say it with sincerity, you cannot be saved. For if you cannot speak that prayer, you cannot possibly believe you need a Savior. Therefore, God gave us his law, in part, so that we would see our need for mercy. St. Paul writes, “I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law” (Romans 7:7). And God gave us the gospel that we might know he has shown us mercy.

Thus, it is good and right that in this solemn season of Lent, we would review God’s law as revealed in the Ten Commandments and connect it with Christ’s passion. We will how we have shattered all the Commandments and are deserving of punishment. However, will we also see how Jesus took the suffering we deserved upon himself. Seeing both, may the Spirit empower us to pray, “Lord, have mercy!” and confidently believe that in Christ, we have God’s mercy in inexhaustible abundance.

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ One Stands; Everyone Else Sits
to Mar 17

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ One Stands; Everyone Else Sits

Normally in a family everyone must do their part, pitch in, pull their weight. In God’s family, he assigns and accepts the work of one on behalf of all. In God’s house, God’s Son—our brother, Jesus—stands alone on the field of battle against our enemies in our place. He fights vicariously. He fights victoriously.

This week we see one man, Jesus Christ, stand against Satan. We simply sit and watch with eyes full of wonder and repentant faith. Because Christ fought that battle as one of us, he won that battle for all of us. The door to heaven stands wide open for those who believe in him.

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Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Lowering Our Defenses

Worship Theme: Open Door Policies ~ Lowering Our Defenses

Whenever someone accuses us of doing wrong, it’s easy to get defensive. We make excuses. “I’m not that bad.” We try and balance the scales. “OK, that was wrong. But look at all the good I do!” We play the comparison game. “At least I’m not like him!” With our defenses up, repentance is impossible.

God, however, has a strategy for lowering our defenses. He assures us that his door is open, and that his home is the place we don’t need to pretend to be something that we’re not--perfect. Our Father does not ask us to come to him and confess our sin so that he might know what we’ve done. He already knows. He asks us to repent so that we might fully know what we’ve done. Only when we grasp the true weight of our sin will we call out to God for mercy. When we do, God is always quick to forgive.

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Worship Series: Open Door Policies ~ God’s Surprising Strategies for Getting Sinners Back Home
to Mar 17

Worship Series: Open Door Policies ~ God’s Surprising Strategies for Getting Sinners Back Home

When a wayward child wanders far from home, how does a loving parent pursue them without driving them further away? One thing that parent does is let the child know that there is an ongoing open-door policy. The child knows they will always be welcomed back home. Likewise, when we wander from God, he always keeps his door open for us. But God doesn’t just passively wait for us to return. He lovingly pursues sinners in ways that make them long for home.

In the Church Year, we have come to the season of Lent. The word “Lent” comes from an old English word for Spring—lengthen—when the days grow longer. For over 1400 years the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of repentance and renewal. In this 40-day journey to the cross and tomb, we will see the surprising strategies our heavenly Father uses for getting sinners back home, close to him and the loving care he offers.

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Worship Theme: Glory is Hidden in Order to Be Revealed                      (The Transfiguration of Our Lord)
to Feb 11

Worship Theme: Glory is Hidden in Order to Be Revealed (The Transfiguration of Our Lord)

Would you look directly at the sun? Only if you wanted to burn your retinas and have permanent blind spots. Would you like to look directly at God? It sounds wonderful in theory. Yet Scripture describes God’s glory as being brighter than the sun. Moreover, one component of God’s glory is his holiness. Being holy doesn’t just mean God loves good; he also hates evil with burning intensity. And we sin every day. No wonder the Lord once told Moses, “No one may see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). Sinners would die of fear if they saw God in all his holy glory.

So, how then can we possibly know God? How can we draw near to him without dying of terror? In our final epiphany moment of this season, God explains. God hides his glory in order to reveal himself. To carry out his good and glorious work of salvation, Jesus hid his glory and went to the cross. To allow sinners to stare at his glory without fear or harm, God hides it in the gospel. In the gospel, we see the glory of Christ’s love, power, and salvation. The reality is that when God’s glory is hidden it is most on display.

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Worship Theme: Popularity is Not Proof of Success
to Feb 4

Worship Theme: Popularity is Not Proof of Success

In 2009, Facebook added the “like” button. That same year, Twitter added the “retweet” feature. Interestingly, reported cases of depression began to rise sharply in 2010. It is easy to think that the more people like us, the more successful our lives must be. Likewise, it is easy to believe the more people like a church, the more successful that church is. So here is an important epiphany for both individuals and churches. Popularity is not proof of success.

Though there will be times when Christ’s gospel and those who proclaim it are popular, that popularity is never the goal. Nor does that popularity define success. If a church makes its central focus things like personal improvement, healing for the sick, or social justice, that church may draw a crowd. It just fails to carry out the true agenda Christ has given his Church. The gospel of forgiveness is to be the center of all our preaching and teaching. The agenda for Christ’s Church is set. It’s the same agenda that was followed by the Church’s Christ.

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Game Night
to Feb 3

Game Night

Join your fellow Trinity members and other members of our Waukesha community for an evening of board gaming. We will have all sorts of games available to play from classic board games to newer strategy games. Everyone is welcome to attend, from children all the way up through adults. Bring your own favorite game, or play one of ours!

We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. In order to help our organizers plan snacks for the event, please consider helping us by RSVP-ing by following the link found below.

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Ladies Thursday Morning Bible Study - “40 Days through the Bible”
to Feb 29

Ladies Thursday Morning Bible Study - “40 Days through the Bible”

The Ladies Thursday morning Bible Study will start a new book on Thursday, February 1st. We meet at 8:30 am in the Trinity Room on mornings that Trinity Lutheran School is in session. We will be following the "40 Days through the Bible" study through the end of the 2023-24 school year. Here is a brief description of the study.

Find the better you've been longing for in the pages of God's Word.

Lysa TerKeurst and the Proverbs 31 ministry team have come together to write a Bible study that will show you how God's promises fulfill our deepest longings.

We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team have created an eight-week study that will help you understand the story of the Bible, from start to finish, along with its amazing promises.

In "40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings", you will:

Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.

Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.

Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.

Click here to look inside the book on Amazon

*Text description taken from the book jacket of 40 Days Through the Bible

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Adult Bible Study Series: Cross-Cultural Connections
to Feb 18

Adult Bible Study Series: Cross-Cultural Connections

What does the Bible have to say about ministering across cultures? What challenges to cross-cultural ministry do we observe in the Scriptures? And what can we learn from those challenges? What cultural traits can we learn that will help ease our efforts to communicate the Gospel with others? Over the course of four weeks, we will explore how we as a congregation can effectively carry out the Great Commission as we interact with individuals from other cultural backgrounds. We will also celebrate how God's Church as a whole is enriched by the presence of different cultures, all gathered around a common faith.

Pastor Gurgel will lead this bible study Sundays at 9:15am in the Sanctuary.

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